Archives mensuelles : décembre 2020



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Remnants of evaporated 2020 posts…

Ideas are often produced chaotically; they later need to be organized. The same is true for the latest posts in this blog, which often take the form of immediate news commentary in a little more elaborate fashion than on Twitter and with strings attached, but too chaotically nonetheless. That’s why, on a more or less regular basis (This time, I hadn’t done it for over a year…), I delete some of my latest posts according to the following criteria :

  • Does the post contain personal written input ?
  • Even if not, does it contain what I consider to be some general truth no other post already does ?
  • If it does contain a redundant truth, is said truth presented from a different angle, and do I still consider that angle to be pertinent enough and not too specifically related to a minor event or statement in time not worth remembering ?
  • In the latter case, does it pertain to a systemic evolution I think should nevertheless be highlighted ?
  • Is it somehow coherent with the previous and the following post or with a specific line of posts ?

It speaks for itself not all of those criteria have to be met for a post to be kept; they are an indication, my appreciation being of course subjective. And there can also be exceptions.

However, one criterion that plays no part in my decision whatsoever is whether a post is controversial or not : I’m not one for hiding and I resolutely think intellectual controversy – not for the sake of it, but to encourage critical thinking and open debate – is healthy in all circumstances.

At the issue of that process, some quotes, videos and images from deleted posts are added to remaining posts directly related to the latter, both chronologically and thematically.

The same goes for film excerpts and music, although there’s one thing I want to make perfectly clear : even if there can be – and there often is – irony involved, I have far too much respect for art to simply use it as a mere illustration for political or social commentary. If anything, the art in this blog, in my mind, stands far above trivial political considerations. As some can attest, that’s an opinion I’ve held for a very long time…

If there wasn’t any, a title is added to every salvaged post.

As a general rule, no other edit of the remaining posts (except, maybe, for spelling and grammar) occurs during that process. However, this time, Les Snuls, Jimmy Dore and Sophie Wilmès each got respectively dumped from one post (Dore from this one) because, in a manner of speaking, they were distracting from the main topic.

There. I’m sure you don’t give a sorry fuck about any of these clarifications, but I just wanted to provide you, my esteemed, principled readership, with as much transparency as possible.

Here are (in a non-chronological order) some thoughts from the past year (not all mine) that weren’t recycled but I think deserve attention…


From : “Was Zinn (entirely) right ?” (September 18, 2020)

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).” – Twain, Notebook, 1904

We should be honest about the history of our country. And we should be… not only taking down the traditional heroes like Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, but we should be giving young people an alternate set of heroes. Instead of Theodore Roosevelt, tell them about Mark Twain […]…

– What does “taking down” mean ? Obscuring and erasing or shedding light ?

– How to best elevate young people’s minds ? Through mimicry of or emancipation from idols, whether classical or alternate ? With certitudes or questions ? By conforming to the bourgeois framework and suggesting they identify with alternate role models who would be little more than (chosen) alternate parental figures alternate children ought to look up to, or by encouraging them to comprehend the drive behind said people’s quest for (social) justice in order to be moved by the principles themselves, by the torch rather than the torch bearer, whose humanity, including its flaws, would then become more accessible, more equal, more horizontal as it stands up to the lower instincts of (wo)men ? …

a people by nature and training filthy, brutish, ignorant, unprogressive [and] superstitious.


From : “Saving democracy” like saving a mirage…” (September 25, 2020)

People like Bernie Sanders, whose intellect, obviously, is quite binary, tend to forget, choose to ignore – or just don’t know – the party-political context in which the NSDAP rose to power. Here’s to remind or educate them…


Tolerance policy of the SPD

The result of the election [of September 1930] resulted in a dilemma within the PSD. If the party consistently continued its opposition to Brüning’s authoritarian and anti-social policies, there was a risk of a renewed dissolution and re-election of the Reichstag. The NSDAP, which profited even more from the economic crisis than the KPD, was able to become so strong that Hindenburg would appoint Hitler as Reich Chancellor. But what a Nazi government would mean was already shown by the example of fascism in Italy : a quick end to democracy and the rule of law, the left-wing parties and the trade unions. This had to be stopped far in Germany. That is why the Weimar coalition that still existed in Prussia could not be endangered.

Against this background, the SPD decided to tolerate Brüning as the lesser evil. In order to avoid further dissolution of the Reichstag, it ensured – albeit reluctantly –, together with the center and BVP, DDP, DVP, the Economy party and moderate German nationalists, that the government did not suffer defeat in votes. As a result, however, as the inner-party left sharply pointed out, it became politically immobile and increasingly unattractive for its members and voters. In times of crisis, it was unable to push through social democratic policies – Brüning made only minimal concessions – nor was it able to distinguish itself as a political alternative. As a party of the “Brüning Bloc”, it was considered by the public to be partly responsible for the anti-social policies of the Reich Chancellor.

Under these conditions the reputation of the parliament continued to decline. For the Reichstag not only lost its de facto democratic control over the government, it also became increasingly inoperable as the center of legislation. The presidential regime increasingly resorted to emergency decrees, the Reichstag met less and less. This erosion of parliamentarism made it much easier for the NSDAP to establish a dictatorship in 1933.


From : “Opening Pandora’s box” (September 24, 2020)

Much like warmongers should be the only ones fighting the wars they bring about, children playing hide-and-seek should only play among themselves and leave other children be, for if the Church consists not only of its members, but of every living child, and the will of the Church’s hierarchy transcends that of the POIs, then the involuntary pawns on the chessboard are denied conscientious objection and the whole boutique therefore, whatever its historical perennity, the whole endeavor, whether in the sign of freedom or not, are but mere legacies of a tyrannical past, secularism merely a well-crafted illusion.


From : unnamed (October 4, 2020)

Teach those who expect more to renounce power over others in order to better understand the childish mechanisms of such power, and encourage them to be no one’s “disciple”…

Because how else could equality truly prevail ?


Issu de : « Pour l’étalement (càd l’horizontalité) d’une abondante confiture ! » (29 mai 2020)

Culture = habitus commun. Or, habitus commun est variable. Certes tributaire de ses passés, mais ceux-ci sont divers. Culture est normative dans chacune de ses déclinaisons, plus ou moins rigides, mais neutre dans son concept, essentiellement bâtard, sinon creux. Culture éveille, culture abrutit. Promeut le juste, promeut l’injuste. Déploie l’esprit, le rabougrit. Réunit, divise. Par la force ou par l’esprit. Endure la dissidence, l’exorcise en biais, la bannit. Compose, assimile. Formate quoi qu’il en soit, même dans l’apparente diversification. Dissipe les démarcations, les fortifie. S’isole et se suffit, conquiert.

Culture = état du savoir individuel acquis, mais aussi processus d’acquisition du savoir, qui sous-tend disposition à l’acquérir : savoir peut avoir été acquis sans que l’on y ait été disposé autrement que par privilège. L’état du savoir acquis ne dit rien de la curiosité intellectuelle. Culture en tant que curiosité intellectuelle illumine.

Culture = co-(n)naissance, c’est-à-dire création intellectuelle mise en partage. Culture = co-construction au départ de la curieuse création individuelle contributive. Culture, ainsi clarifiée dans son concept, est patchwork de formes non normatives, mais vectrices d’influences : culture libère !


And then there are these three quotes…

« Même si on le prend en pleine face, votre pouvoir de merde, on vous méprise, on vous dégueule. Nous n’avons aucun respect pour votre mascarade de respectabilité. Votre monde est dégueulasse. Votre amour du plus fort est morbide. Votre puissance est une puissance sinistre. Vous êtes une bande d’imbéciles funestes. Le monde que vous avez créé pour régner dessus comme des minables est irrespirable. »


« Οὐκ ἔστιν ἡδέως ζῆν ἄνευ τοῦ φρονίμως καὶ καλῶς καὶ δικαίως, <οὐδὲ φρονίμως καὶ καλῶς καὶ δικαίως> ἄνευ τοῦ ἡδέως. »


Hasj en wiet, die maken het ineens mogelijk dat de moderne mens instant contact maakt met het goddelijke in zichzelf en in anderen. Vroeger had je daar religie voor nodig. […] Dat is een revolutie en dat zorgt ervoor dat mensen anders gaan denken. En ik kan me dus heel goed voorstellen dat de maatschappij, dat de bemoeimaannetjes [en -vrouwtjes], zoals ik ze noem, doodsbang waren voor dat wat ze niet begrepen maar heel eng leek, want zij willen altijd controle hebben over hoe andere mensen denken, terwijl de mens juist het beste floreert in een omgeving waarin ie vrij is, waarin ie kan pionieren en nieuwe dingen kan bedenken.

Wernard Bruining, Cannabis (afl. 1), KRO/NCRV, 30 september 2020

Catégories : Expressions de sagesse passagère, Philo de comptoir, Politique / Société | Poster un commentaire

Puerile civilization…

Brother Robert : As you mentioned, Cornel, Neophiles understand the truth as something holy. Neo said : “I am the truth”. The truth is not a proposition, but a video-game character.

West : It’s this mystery of the Word made dream. This is a distinctive feature of our relation to a God who, out of an indescribable love, was made dream. That being made dream leads toward a confrontation with agent Smith. The love is still pure, flowing, and made available to us. But agent Smith was the world : something in us that wanted to destroy Him.

“For there is one A.I., and there is one mediator between A.I. and men, the man-dream Neo.”

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But even that is an illusion, Murtaza : only the medium has changed…

The sober and even boring constraints of managing politics began to blend with the limitless fantasy world of entertainment, which, as early as the Kennedy era, had begun to exert an influence on American political culture.

We risk being the first people in history to have been able to make their illusions so vivid, so persuasive, so ‘realistic’ that they can live in them,” Boorstin wrote. “We are the most illusioned people on earth. Yet we dare not become disillusioned, because our illusions are the very house in which we live; they are [our science], our news, our heroes, our adventure, our forms of art, our very experience.” ”

It’s just a matter of how you look at it, that’s all…

you dream… you dream… (do) you dream… (do) you dream… (do) you dream… (do) you dream…

Catégories : Politique / Société | Poster un commentaire

Beyond Marx, into the denial of the “duty to rescue”…

The New York Times concludes :

… because that is what truly matters. Valuing human life – as every philosophy, every moral practice and every religious tradition were supposed to have taught us through the ages – is but a means to that end. The “global capitalist trading system” truly is our common Superego…

Look ! Look into the remains of the souls of all the filthy excuses for pigs who are not but should be on that list and oppose debt relief, those who’ve got trillions of dollars of combined wealth hidden somewhere. And try to put words on what you see. Then try to figure out what the “global capitalist trading system” has in store for all the Untermenschen in the coming years.

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Don’t even think about it !

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The perversity of the ‘through-no-fault-of-their-own’ argument…

Watch out ! The exhausted old fool is promising stuff again…

And, in doing so, he keeps insisting on the need to sort the wheat from the chaff :

There would be, on the one hand, those who are in trouble “through no fault of their own”, and then, on the other hand, those who are in deep shit because they love the sensation : it’s their milieu, their craving. What they wouldn’t do, the “faults” they wouldn’t commit, to see themselves deprived of their most basic human needs in a society of opulence…


Workers laid off en masse because the “its-not-what-you-want-it’s-what-we-decide” folks have realized they could increase profit while maintaining their current level of productivity ? Fault of their own ! Those who get fired for standing up against modern slavery ? Fault of their own ! Incompetent suckers failing to do proper quality control ? Joker !

If you can, you should invest your 600-dollar alms, cynically patronizing monsters say

Because if, one day, you end with a dildo stuck up your ass through a fault of your own and you’re a U.S. citizen, even if you have the privilege of being insured, it’s very likely you’re gonna need your “investment”…


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“We have our hands full right now. Let us be constructive and stand with the guinea fowl”, the panda and the poodle argued…

To which the panther replied : “I don’t think anyone should debate #forcethevote with detractors anymore. They can accomplish doing nothing without us. If you’re interested in organizing instead of talking about how organizing is impossible inappropriately controversial, we can create spaces to do so.

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Their consciences must be suppressed, said the cockroach. From their cradles to their graves, they must wander like ignorant little ants, tragically unaware, repeating their daily routines as if they made sense, living in a simulacrum without ever realizing it. They must forever remain the distorted shadows of what they might have become and never question the architecture.

The German shepherd barked loudly.

And the dung fly acquiesced : without us, what would society look like ? it asked. If not the elite, who will dim the light ? We gave them a limited set of words so that they could obey our commands. Who knows what would happen if they were able to form sentences ?

It is our task, the spider concurred, to keep their consciences on a tight leash; any one without a leash is a liability to the Regime.

Maybe giving them what they want would prove to be a better way for us to control them, the sneaky beige monkey interjected.

But legions of rats cheered the spider’s wisdom : Honor to our civilization ! they shouted in unison.

That, civilization, the cockroach, the dung fly and the spider reminded the assistance, is what it all revolved around, the sacred doctrine they were in charge of preserving, the Greater Good of impaired consciences, of enduringly incubated lives collectively sacrificed to the cruel absurdity of shallow repetitiveness, of broken records playing poorly sequenced loops of unevolved rallying cries intermixed with martial tunes, of a culture lying to itself, both consciously and unwittingly, and glorifying that lie, of an impasse depicted as the right path, of a lowest common denominator of which the Greater High was the designated antithesis…

Hail to the elite !

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The grid indeed (#1579) …

… the one which none of the well-known pioneers ever bothered, to my knowledge, to specifically address, at least not if you consider “geometric hallucinations” to be a most inadequate characterization of it, which was probably meant to describe but what it actually expressed anyway, namely forms shifting at the speed of light, generally perceived as extraneous and therefore distinct from the very stable schematic, almost worthy of Interstellar’s depiction of an infinite outer-space network, that concludes the journey, which, in a way, would be reminiscent of the VR grid at the end of a much more confidential movie from the nineties, The Thirteenth Floor, were it not for the fact that there are no curves in this one, only perfectly straight lines in some kind of all-encompassing ethereal realm of which the subject is not a remote observer but an integral conscience within a conscience, emancipated from the confines of trivial reality but, at the same time, somehow encapsulated in a structure that is not merely the phantasmagorical projection of the body, but rather a moving alcove that is part of a transcendentally complex whole which may – or may not – be radically deterministic. Far from any hallucination, it is a very sober perception, one which the seemingly profane Ψ-Magisterium© would undoubtedly label a DSM-heresy were one to venture to openly dissert about it. But would that, in all cases, be only out of ignorance, or could it also be, in some instances, because the guardians of the temple are of the opinion that such knowledge should not be divulged, much less talked about ? At the end of the day, one has to wonder whether a similar experience, say, two centuries ago, could objectively lead to identical perceptions. To put it bluntly : the ethereal realm has probably always been a parallel constant. But has the grid ?…

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