Archives mensuelles : novembre 2021

Hugo, Voltaire, Rousseau, etc. : au rapport !

Enfin !

Enfin l’esprit, la vision et l’espoir ! Le salut enfin !

Il est là, votre Sauveur, admirez votre prodige !

Soient louées toutes vos prières, Il reconnaîtra les siens !

Homme d’envergure, droiture faite homme, homme qui donne le vertige !

Homme sans qui, voilée, violée, demain Elle ne serait plus rien !

Et artistes et penseurs d’accourir, le pied léger :

République à la rigueur, douce France, donne-leur ton sein !

Et fut le Verbe… et le lyrisme, transcendant jusqu’aux plus athées !

De demi-dieu, cette diction, toute cette verve, vous étreint !

C’est du Hugo, c’est du Villepin, goûtez à cette inspiration !

A cette mélodie envoûtante, ce leitmotiv, ce gai refrain !

Si riche en lendemains qui chantent, de résistance sublimation !

Résistance à ce temps qui passe, qui dépayse, mine de vaurien !

Face à la morne désespérance, compatriotes, guillerets !

Debout les morts, debout la France, « viens Poupoule, viens Poupoule, viens » !

A son zénith, l’Astre est fin prêt !

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Un peu long pour une épitaphe, non ?

Il s’est tracé une ligne, à cette ligne s’est tenu, contre vents et marées.

Leur, à ces « braves gens », la volonté de nuire.

Braves gens qui pourtant n’ont fait que profiter.

Qui toujours abrutissent, en esprit indigents.

Braves gens mortifères qui font œuvre de police et de conformité.

Malicieusement s’imposent où ils n’ont pas leur place.

Aussi leur qu’était leurre horizon de liberté.

Inepte société, épouvantable supplice.

Aucune main tendue, que des flèches qui accablent.

Reine la bêtise, sincérité vendue, courtisans à la table.

Vouée aux gémonies, esquisse de différent.

Vanté, porté aux nues, le masque de l’exécrable.

N’est échec, le cas échéant, que ce qui a pu éclore.

Sans être contrecarré avant même floraison.

N’est royaume des cieux autre que figuré.

La suspecte ambition de cueillir l’instant.

Be the change they don’t want to see in the world.

But know they won’t allow you to.

Ici-bas et là-bas, quelle différence ?

Ici-bas et là-bas, quelle différence !

Honnie soit l’alchimie de conscience et raison.

Triomphe l’ignorance et s’éteigne la lumière.

Pour les siècles des siècles, amen et plus encore !

Vacille l’Humanité, leur était destruction !

Il s’est tracé une ligne, à cette ligne s’est tenu, contre vents et marées.


L’idiot regarde le doigt

Mais jamais du doigt ne pointe

Qui dans le bocal

Où baigne la grenouille

Ingénieusement fait bouillir l’eau…

Catégories : Uncategorized | Poster un commentaire

„Wir sind die Musikmacher. Und wir sind die Träumer der Träume.“

Catégories : Musiques | Poster un commentaire

What made that turkey talk ?

I mean, it’s one think to pardon someone who’s innocent.

It’s a different one altogether to then proceed to stuff them anyway !

And look at him just shaking hands after that.

Bill Gates warned us : the next zoonosis is already on its way…

For, as Confucius once said, “Instead of looking at the gallinacean’s moon, you imbecile, you’d better keep an eye on the not so wise man’s finger”…

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Follow-up questions…

– Since, according to several highly reliable studies, the vaccinated remain as likely as the unvaccinated to transmit the crown, how unlikely is it that the vaccinated too remain a field of experimentation from which, occasionally, variants may emerge, some of which may end up threatening even them ?

– Is the following claim in any way accurate ?

How unlikely is it that the crown will follow the pattern of the flu (which it already seems to be doing, at an accelerated pace) ? Is there one vaccine no one is aware of that magically and singlehandedly eradicates all variants of the flu, while preventing new ones from appearing ?

– When are we finally going to obtain reliable data, on a large enough scale, as to whether and, if so, in how far the vaccine itself has been encouraging the development of variants ?

– How pertinent is it to keep using the vaccine concocted based on the Mother-Crown as a booster against all the sweet little toddler crowns ?

– Since we now know at least part of the rest of the zoopshere can be infected by the crown as well, what vaccine are we going to use for them ? Will they need a booster shot ? Or are we just going to commit animal genocide “like never before” ?

– Do we want to create an everlasting market for Big Pharma or should we now focus all our energy on a universally available cure and/or prevention method for the majority of the population, leaving the vaccines for the elderly ?

– And, finally, how likely is it that, each time a new variant emerges in the most distant parts of the world (to us, Northerners, of course), it always manages to go say a quick “Hello !” to our very own Marc Van Ranst (and no one else !) before it truly starts socializing ? I don’t want to sound conspiratorial, but…


Catégories : Politique / Société | Poster un commentaire

Le spectacle en écho…

– N’y a-t-il pas ici un malentendu fondamental quant à la notion de spectacle, dont Debord s’est bien gardé de livrer une définition précise (de même qu’il a, en effet, fait l’impasse sur la chronologie de l’émergence d’une telle société, même si de ses écrits on pourrait déduire qu’il la situait plus ou moins au moment où la production industrielle de masse de produits uniformes et standardisés a supplanté l’artisanat, et requis à cette occasion un appareil de propagande adapté) ?

Le spectacle, sous sa plume, renvoie-t-il à des formes traditionnelles ou plus modernes de divertissement (comme ici benoitement – et exclusivement – suggéré), à la spectacularisation du politique, de l’information et de l’activité économique, ou à une combinaison de tous ces éléments ? N’est-ce pas lui faire un faux procès que de partir du principe qu’à son estime, il ne relevait que des premières ?

De toute évidence, il emprunte à Marx un certain nombre de notions (valeur d’usage, valeur d’échange, division du travail, etc.). Dans ses Manuscrits de 1844, ce dernier écrivait ceci :

Dans « la perte pour l’ouvrier de sa réalité », ne peut-on lire en filigrane son devenir-fictionnel dans une réalité factice qui réduit sa vie à un spectacle piteux, dans lequel il est sommé de jouer un rôle qui garantit son aliénation, qu’un appareil médiatique spectaculaire lui présente comme vertueuse ?

Quelle critique sérieuse de la critique debordienne ferait-elle l’économie de cette dimension essentielle ?

Sur la place Saint-Antoine, à Etterbeek (en région bruxelloise), se faisaient face jusqu’il y a peu, comme pour mieux se narguer, l’église néogothique homonyme et cette stèle commémorative d’une troupe de théâtre fondée en 1894, qui figure les deux masques archétypaux qui symbolisent le spectacle.

– Debord maudit-il le spectacle, comme a pu le faire Bossuet ou, dans un registre sensiblement différent, Rousseau, ou fait-il la critique du Tout-Spectacle, dont la vie quotidienne de tout-un-chacun serait devenue à la fois élément constitutif et condition de perpétuation ? Dans ce dernier cas, taxer sa critique de conservatisme n’est-il pas légèrement abusif ?

Où est la cohérence entre le fait de lui reprocher un conservatisme religieux et le fait de pointer du doigt chez lui un goût pour la spontanéité qui s’inscrivait dans la glorification soixante-huitarde de l’enfance, laquelle, précisément, s’élevait contre ce conservatisme, dans lequel aucune spontanéité n’avait sa place ?

A la différence près que cette mouvance-là, quasi simultanée, s’inscrivait en faux contre le postulat debordien que l’homme ne pouvait être vrai que dans l’action, « Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out » œuvrait pareillement à un retour à l’essentiel, à la découverte de la possibilité d’une spontanéité irénique des rapports humains, d’une « expérience immédiate » à la fois hermétique au spectacle tel que l’esquisse Debord, et génératrice de créativité. Pères-la-morale, elles aussi, que ses figures emblématiques, ou porte-voix parfois gauches d’une option radicalement inédite qui portait en elle l’antithèse de toutes les possibles déclinaisons du conservatisme, y compris celle, « néo-féodale », ici évoquée ?

– Dès lors que le spectacle auquel renvoie Debord fragmente artificiellement l’expérience humaine et le temps humain et aboutit, ce faisant, à empêcher d’appréhender la vie humaine dans sa continuité (une logique à laquelle, au demeurant, pas même la structure de son livre n’échappe, comme s’il s’était agi de faire une démonstration par l’absurde de la validité de sa thèse en ce qu’elle décrit un spectacle auquel rien ni personne ne peut se soustraire), en quoi la multiplication de contacts, que rendait possible il y a trente ans déjà l’apparition de nouveaux types de médias, et qui est ici mise en avant pour réfuter son propos, est-elle pertinente si elle s’inscrit dans le factice ci-dessus évoqué ? Elle ne peut faire sens que sous l’angle d’une réfutation de la passivité, que Debord considère comme la résultante de la spectacularisation des rapports sociaux, encore qu’il faudrait alors nécessairement interpréter celle-ci comme l’attitude présumée du spectateur-consommateur de divertissement (affalé dans son divan tandis qu’il regarde la télé, par exemple), et faire l’économie de toute interprétation plus large, telle que celle qui en ferait de facto la condition de l’ouvrier qui a perdu sa réalité.

Quoi qu’il en soit, cette critique ne peut être reçue que si l’on reproche à Debord non pas qu’il ait inadéquatement décrit ou théorisé la réalité de son temps, mais qu’il se soit insuffisamment fait prophète. Même ceci, toutefois, reste à démontrer, car si une possible critique, quelque trente ans a posteriori, de la critique adressée à Debord est à cette dernière ce que celle-ci était, après un délai équivalent, à la critique debordienne, on pourrait aisément reprocher au critique de Debord de n’avoir pas vu venir la vague de ce qu’il est désormais convenu d’appeler « réalité virtuelle augmentée », en passe de submerger de manière spectaculaire une réalité réelle aux abois, et qu’illustrent sous ses aspects les plus apocalyptiques des divertissements tels que Black Mirror, dont l’un des épisodes était consacré au « crédit social », déjà expérimenté in concreto sous d’autres latitudes, avec les effets comportementaux que l’on devine.

En outre, contrairement à ce que ledit auteur de cette critique suggère, il ne faut pas être féru de théories du complot pour se rendre compte que cette submersion immersive est le fait tantôt de gouvernements, tantôt d’industries et de capitaines d’industrie clairement identifiés : le développement accru du spectacle et la confusion, véritablement préfusionnelle cette fois, entre spectacle et réalité, ne résultent pas du hasard ou d’une évolution fortuite ; elles sont le fruit d’une volonté (initialement) marginale. Et arguer, comme c’est le cas ici, que le spectateur, en achetant sa place à un spectacle, effectue une démarche purement volontaire revient à soutenir, de manière plus générale, que chacun choisit délibérément et sans conditionnement aucun de souscrire à une économie de marché qui s’effondrerait instantanément si tel n’était pas le cas.

Peut-être le propos de Debord était-il trop imprécis que pour prétendre énoncer de manière grandiloquente quelque vérité absolue. Mais qui ambitionnait de déconstruire son propos eût dû veiller à viser juste…

« Je viens d’un monde où le texte pouvait encore avoir un impact sur le cours des choses. […] C’est aujourd’hui l’image [qui prédomine]. »

Régis Debray

Catégories : Philo de comptoir, Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , | Poster un commentaire

Joe Rogan is a woman !

She doesn’t need my help. She’s a big girl with huge amounts of cash; she can defend herself, and does so relentlessly. But there are nonetheless a few things I want to say about her…

1/ It may seem paradoxical for someone who comes across as a macho, but, like no other in the media sphere, Joe Rogan has the very feminine skill of putting her guests at ease in such a way that they feel comfortable enough to actually reveal a part of their true selves, their flaws, their limits, their aspirations and – believe it or not – some authenticity. That’s probably why she invites so many men : most women don’t like being surrounded by other women all the time; when they are, they get cranky… Whether she’s trying to marginally subvert what Debord described (without even having read him) or whether, on the contrary, she is further virtualizing the human experience through novel codes that don’t shun the complex intellectual and emotional intricacies of (wo)man, I’ll leave in the middle. In any case, though using a subterfuge, she nimbly manages to get her guests exactly where she wants them, but not so that they end up endorsing her views, like puppets on a string – That’s where she differs from a Tucker Carlson –, just so that they can be and of course show who they are, without excessive makeup or artifice. Hence the name of her show, which reflects that particular “experience” as well as its purpose : to some extent, having the guests drop their masks. Of course, it’s not always successful, but those who consider an Alex Jones to be one of Hitler’s possible reincarnations should take a closer look at #1555. If, after that, they still claim The JRE didn’t expose some cracks in the titan’s armor, they’ve missed the point. The issue of whether that amounts to shedding a positive light on darkness needs addressing of course, but the fact than an open-minded viewer manages to distinguish some fundamental, non-predatory human traits in what is otherwise depicted as a monster who has but monstruous attributes – and who did indeed say plenty of monstruous things, affecting numerous decent human beings in the process – is the truly subversive part of that exercise : if you see Hitler as an anomaly, estranged from humanity, entirely alien to you and with whom you share absolutely nothing, you’ll be much less inclined to examine those instincts within yourself that might, on some occasions, make you lean towards tyranny, not necessarily on the scale of a country or a continent, but in your own privileged environment, than if you see him as another human being. Think about it, there’s some Buddhist wisdom in that realization… That doesn’t mean you should stop fighting what he stands for if you don’t agree with it; it means you should accept that he is human, that you are too, and therefore understand that you should fight what he stands for within yourself as well. That – not virtue-signaling – is the actual path to virtue. Go ask Dave Chappelle or the many black rappers featured on Rogan’s show, whose positions on white supremacy are no mystery, why they still consider Joe Rogan to be among “[their] people” despite her shameless flirts with Jones… Of course, what seems true today might prove wrong tomorrow : Rogan too is human, which means she might very well end up being at the very center of a New-Reich architecture of which the UFC would be a major component, but, while some might argue Sayid was indeed right to want to kill Ben as a child, indicting her now for what she might turn out to be would not only mean impugning motive on her without a shred of evidence; it would also turn the indicters into Sayid…

2/ French intellectual Pierre Bourdieu, who was well aware of the biases of “the society of the spectacle”, which he rightly saw as a travesty of the intellectual exchange of ideas, at some point announced he would no longer accept any interview from any major news show, since their standardized format no longer allowed to serenely and exhaustively lay out any argument : the host constantly interrupts his guest, who’s never able to finish a sentence and who is supposed to give his opinion on a particular topic in five, ten or, at most, fifty minutes, stopwatch in hand, with at least three or four commercial breaks, which deprives free thought and free examination of the minimal conditions they require to produce sense. While such a format is useful when interviewing politicians in order to avoid their using the show as a political platform, it is absolutely inappropriate for the kind of exchange Rogan has endeavored to set up 99 % of the time. It is not uncommon for her show to last close to three hours, which amply allows her guests to have their say, albeit in an environment which purposefully conflates the personal and the political, as if to suggest no political opinion or advocacy is ever detached from the individual, and all theory emanates from practice, which is actually an argument against absolutism. In itself, this latitude in expressing one’s arguments constitutes another valuable exception in the current media landscape, one that goes against the current of excessive fragmentation of (air) time.

3/ In this day and age, Rogan has a virtual monopoly on some topics no other major podcaster – let alone legacy show host – would even consider touching with a ten-foot pole. Although she takes some precautions in the way she tackles them (sometimes not enough, however), she has almost no taboo in the issues she tackles, and that too adds an extra dimension, an exclusiveness, to her “experience” that makes it possible for free examination to expand beyond the confines of what the standards of the time decree is open for examination (which is what free examination is, by definition, meant to do). Chomsky famously wrote : “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum […].” Let’s just say Rogan doesn’t care about what is “acceptable” (To whom ?) and she doesn’t want people to be passive and obedient, which quite a few courtesans (both male and female, mind you…), who, for their part, tend to be, “agents of the system”, who accept the Truth fed to them by the powers that be without much of an argument, if any at all, and expect the same from everyone else, find very objectionable, if not outrightly unacceptable.


Kyle Rittenhouse had the urge to play policeman. In a different setting, with different types of targets, armed only with a virtual gun, yet using a similar self-defense rhetoric, so do they. With that fantasized authority comes a sense of entitlement. And entitlement needs no argument : it vindicates itself…

Catégories : Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , | Poster un commentaire

“If you are going to defy [the system], do it right.” (*)

However corrupt its members and however decadent a Republic, Parliament, in a representative Republic, stands as the symbol of The People’s will, a sacred temple, one of the three pillars of democracy.

No government in the world, whomever is leading it and whatever their ideology, whatever the circumstances surrounding a particular riot or insurrection targeted at Parliament, even if the insurrectionists/rioters’ demands had more merit than did the January 6 assailants’, would manifest any kind of clemency for the perpetrators. Every single government would make an example of them (some a lot more swiftly), precisely because what they threatened is much less some congress(wo)men’s lives – however non negligeable that particular threat – than that symbol itself.

Even the nazis, who wanted to get rid of Parliament, used it as a sacred symbol when the Reichstag went up in flames, abusively jumping on the occasion to mercilessly crack down on all the adherents of one particular ideology.

That the uninvited guests’ lives are not limited to that event alone and that some may even have displayed sensitivity in other contexts is not even circumstantial evidence, since that is in no way related to the criminal actions for which they are now being held responsible. Neither is their ideology.

That liberal circles hold the latter in profound disgust is hardly disputable, but it is for their actions – not their ideology – that some perpetrators are on trial here. Pretending otherwise amounts to condoning their actions because of their ideology.

If the House speaker and the Senate majority leader at the time bear some responsibility in the lack of preparation for the January 6 event, then their responsibility should be laid bare. However, if that is the case, it doesn’t allow to jump to conclusions and suggest they knowingly underestimated the threat; they might very well have thought it wouldn’t come to that. Evidence needs to be produced that indicates there was either negligence or malicious intent on their part. And, to date, at least as far as the latter is concerned, no such evidence has been produced.

If the FBI or other federal agencies were in any way involved in the organization of the January 6 event, which some claims regarding the kidnap plot that targeted governor Whitmer would suggest is a possibility that deserves investigating, the public has the right to know, because no more than it does regular citizens does the law allow such agencies to even remotely undertake any action that would imperil the aforementioned symbol. But, at this point, no such involvement (which, technically, would still have fallen under the purview of the outgoing attorney general) has been established outside the realm of speculation.

What has never pertained to that realm is the blatant responsibility of the lawmakers who incited the insurrectionary crowd. Yet, from the standpoint of some partisan commentators, to whom supporting particular individuals/citizens who are crushed by the system (sometimes for no objective reason at all), rather than being unconditional and therefore universal, seems to be conditioned upon their advocating one particular ideology (if that is what it is), while the current majority’s answer to said event clearly reflects a hypocritically punitive mindset that would go so far as to destroy lives, including younger ones, for the sake of a symbol (and, incidentally, their lucrative careers), said lawmakers’ actions are somehow not at all indicative of an utterly hypocritical lizard-like mindset that viciously instrumentalized some fools to advance their debased political interests and doesn’t, in the slightest, care about the repercussions for those fools’ lives.

Not even the fact that some of them are now wittingly doubling down, while their first word of support for those – like Aiden – whom they sociopathically deceived has yet to be uttered, seems to be reason enough for those commentators to publicly disavow that part of the reptilian realm.

If they truly cared about Aiden’s fate and that of future Aidens whom such a cold, corrupt, careless, manipulative and – for lack of a better word – evil political strategy will entrap, if they were really defending the weak against the strong, that is the first thing they would have done, instead of pretending nothing happened, denying it could have been a lot worse, maybe wishing it had been, and tacitly standing with the lizards by hypocritically withholding their names from their tweeting litany !



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You can examine a [wo]man’s actions and stances through the prism of your own principles.

You can examine a (wo)man’s actions and stances though the prism of their own proclaimed principles.

Whichever way you do – and, barring nihilism in the object of your examination, you can do both –, truth has no clan affiliation, nor is it measured in terms of subscribers. That’s what makes it so truly subversive : it can’t be sold, it can’t be bought, it can’t even be advertised…

In fact, more often than not, it is the scorching Sun that wears you down in your quest for it, as you walk through the chilly desert of what is, its formatted territory, its enclaves, its many boutiques, its talking heads, its numerous deceptions and its paramount stupidity.

Nearly totalitarian is the desert of “the society of the spectacle” and viewed as naïve, in these times, are those who, by obstinately holding a (wo)man to their own proclaimed standards, feign to ignore said society’s very bedrock.

What is is what is not in that it stands in the way of what could be…

Catégories : Expressions de sagesse passagère | Poster un commentaire

Product taxonomy…

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