Archives mensuelles : juin 2022

Flanby must go !

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G7 intermezzo…

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Johnny Depps are dead !

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2 Gods, 3 angles and stupid…

Vatican’s ambassador to the U.S. 2011 > 2106

“[T]his is not a usual or banal act, but rather a serious decision which cannot be made without weighing the consequences, and one that should be avoided at all costs.

Catégories : Philo de comptoir, Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , , , | Poster un commentaire

And in other news…

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Fear = cash “in our mock, mock… our democracy” !

I s   t h e   U. S. ,   r e a l l y  ?  O r   a r e   t h e y   s t i l l  ?


Cave ! (pronouce : kah-way) :

  • Polls are only indicative.
  • Not everything a majority of citizens may want [i.e. hanging homosexuals in public squares, as in Iran) should be open for discussion.
  • Not everything a majority of citizens may temporarily oppose (i.e. 18+ orgies in the park) is necessarily evil / a nuisance (delete which does not apply).
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“Small government”…

According to three sources familiar with the White House’s shit show, little over a month ago, that is to say before he decided to go half-frontal against the administration’s blatant inaction on social issues, Sen. Bernie Sanders had an explosive meeting with Pres. Von Hindenburg, one he had been trying to schedule for months without ever hearing back from the latter.

One day, our sources claim, the fiery senator stormed the oval office. And this is how they say things went…


BIDEN : Well, what do we have here ! Bernie, my man !

BERNIE : Cut the crap, Joe ! You know I’ve been trying to see you for months now.

BIDEN : What can I say ? I’m a busy man.

BERNIE : That what you think ? Cuz disastrous polls are telling a different story. Anyway, I’ve always been loyal, Joe. But what have you shown in return ?

BIDEN : What the hell are you talking about ? You’re committee chair, aren’t you ?

BERNIE : I’m talking about your initial commitment to improve the lives of the lower class, Joe, that’s what I’m fucking talking about !

BIDEN : C’mon, man, that again ? Please… I mean, you didn’t really believe… Plus, my hands are tied, you know that.

BERNIE : Isn’t that the way you like ‘em ?

BIDEN : Look, Bernie, I appreciate you as a human being, but we don’t need any of that bullshit any more. Before resigning from the Supreme Court, Breyer told me they were going to overturn Roe in a matter of weeks. That’s the way we galvanize voters in the midterms, not better living standards. I also know for a fact my buddy Clarence is gonna make a move against same-sex marriage next, even though Alito doesn’t concur at this point. So, I’ll throw that out there as well to get all the fags to vote for us too : pussies all over the country, unite, ah ah. What more do you want ?

BERNIE : That’s cynical, Joe. And if you don’t understand cynicism is the reason why The People hate politics and politicians so much these days, you understand jack shit ! Roe was a 1973 decision, Joe. How are you gonna explain not a single Democrat has made a move to turn that jurisprudence into law since then, not even when we had the majority in both houses ? And how would you manage to finally do that in a hurry now that we’ll probably lose both ? You think our voters are fools ?

BIDEN : Don’t ask rhetorical questions, Bernie. What’s important is that we reach across the aisle : there’s good will on both sides… Now, if you’d be so kind…

BERNIE : Mr. president, you’re making a monumental mistake !

BIDEN : Yeah yeah… I’m 79, Bernie. Soon, I’ll be dead. Why the fuck should I give a damn ? Like my mom used to say : “If you can’t make a ratatouille, a good borscht will have to do…”

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He nailed it, with just a couple of sentences…

It was a sunny midweek afternoon of… it must have been April, I guess, since I was already sleeping with the horses. Exhausted by the two or three months I had just had to endure, to the point I had the feeling I was, for the first time without the involvement of any psychotropic adjuvant, reaching the kind of ataractic plenitude all institutionalized religions advocate in one form or another, were it only to exorcize their own intrinsic craziness, I was lying in some green alcove at the edge of the pond, mesmerized by the elegant ballet of a magnificent male swan going back and forth between me and his beloved, who was brooding their offspring, behind a tiny dike of reeds, symbolically protected from the city’s fury and its inquisitorial noise and agitation, from what Mailer once described as “the nothingness in each of us [that] seeks to attack the being of others”, when all of a sudden I saw her standing there, quiet and somewhat absent, as if she had appeared out of the blue, with a pair of binoculars in her hand…

She would later tell me she was trying to spot the first Eurasian reed warbler of the season. But perhaps she just wanted a conversation… Believe it or not, we ended up talking about capitalism, communism and “lots of things you’ve heard about”. She was passionate and measured at the same time. As for our talk, it was both personal and intellectual. She recommended a series of books, essays actually, which I’m certain I’ll read some day, once I’ll have caught up with some of the classics I still need to acquaint myself with…

The premise of one of those essays reminded me of the summary of Schopenhauer’s On the Freedom of the Will, from which Jappe, while focusing exclusively on the alienating aspects of capitalism, indisputably drew. A segment from a podcast I recently listened to – God, be merciful – made me realize how much most of us, however well-intentioned, are impregnated with that alienation :

I remember confusedly telling her what most frightened me in our supposedly civilized society is the latter’s merciless demand we all behave like primitive automata. Most of us are not even aware of it. They play roles, as expected, and the characters they play absorb them to such an extent they are virtually eclipsed, emptied as it were, drifting away from the essence of life and, in its place, embracing the cold emptiness of a monstruous script that seems written for them – for all of us, actually (*) –, one whose origin, whose reason of being, whose practical implementation, whose pertinence they wouldn’t imagine questioning, so-called human interactions ultimately amounting to nothing more than kabuki theatre or, worse yet, a theatre of the (cruelly) absurd, and people functioning as mere puppets, self-unconscious holograms conferring an impression of movement in a fossilized reality a nuclear bomb or two wouldn’t fundamentally, existentially, alter in any way, the children’s laughter and smiles aside…

This was particularly true for the soldiers in the trenches during the first world war, on both sides of the demarcation line : what is the meaning of life to cannon fodder ? It was equally true in the concentration camps. But even when it doesn’t reach such paroxysmic levels of sheer nonsense, it should be denounced not only as the primary cause likely to lead to them, but also, when it eclipses everything else, as the only major obstacle to the maturity of harmonious living…

However rational the life of an automaton’s appearance, one type of emotion is the culprit, another the savior…

That’s what I would tell that man, who, while sounding like a freemason, and however exceedingly Debordian the scenery, reminded me of the gentle plenitude of that sunny afternoon…


(*) unless it is our (common) immaturity that is perverting the script…

Catégories : Musiques, Philo de comptoir | Étiquettes : , , , , , | Poster un commentaire

National Front(s) !

Catégories : Musiques, Observation d'Art, Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , | Poster un commentaire

Haut-Commissariat des Nations-Unies aux Droits de l’Homme, Conseil de l’Europe : un homme d’Etat d’une telle stature mérite bien quelque parachute doré…

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