Alternate psittacism isn’t critical thinking…

Just like regular psittacism, alternate psittacism is dangerous because it galvanizes the credulous.

Critical thinking is dangerous because it stands in the way of galvanization.

One is a means to acquire or maintain power. The other is an antidote to it.

Therefore, critical thinking is a danger to power, whereas psittacism is a danger to the people.

One elevates. The other debases.

One is principled. The other is opportunistic.

One is sophisticated. The other is profane.

One is profound. The other is superficial.

One is philosophical. The other is sophistic.

One unchains. The other subdues.

Catégories : Philo de comptoir, Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , | Poster un commentaire

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