Articles tagués : antisemitism

Fun fact…

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O.A.D. (Omnipresent ‘Antisemitism’ Disorder)…

Don’t bother to try and determine how the (100 % AS-free) video you just watched relates to its scary title : everything is in the ‘ ‘… The description, however, offers a clue :

And, with that clue, meant to highlight the fact that the word “plausible” was uttered “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away”, dominated by Global-South” nazism, just like a private dick, you’ll be able to start your online investigation…

And there you have it ! It didn’t take long, did it ?… When an entire audience applauds such virulent ‘AS’ speeches in Berlin, there’s no denying it : you know a new “holocaust” is around the corner…

Hell, if it weren’t for the German Resistance, it would likely have happened already !

Indeed, those seemingly irenic calls for Freedom and Justice for all from pseudo-semites don’t fool ze Germans. They are simply untragbar“ : Deutschland muß sofort ALLE jüdische Dißidenten zensieren !

AS, folks, is an epidemic. One so strong it demands a monopoly. A monopoly so indisputable the word itself has been colonized and ethnically cleansed

And, as the appalling Berlinale incident has shown, in the wake of so many others similar in nature, the number of ‘AS’ incidents in western countries since 10/7 has been on a steady rise.

Of course, there are those in ‘the Community’ whose SM behavior amounts to saying : “If AS didn’t exist, we would have to invent it”…

But, at the end of the day, they just need some (tough) love, that’s all…

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#Opkuisen !

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De moral high grond

is for those who give a stront !

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Herzog : ‘Gewoon op slaan !’

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Two questions to Gabriel Diamond, Talia Dror and Jillian Lederman…

1/ If…

and if, from their statement, you subtracted…

which, in its attempt to contextualize it, seems to condone, albeit in the conditional form, the gruesome mass murder of defenseless civilians perpetrated on October 7 by a bunch of psychopaths, going so far as to endeavor to find some – both intellectually and ethically fraudulent – legal justification for it…

Would you still want those professors to receive “meaningful discipline” or even “dismissal” ?

In that case, would they not be, just like you are and any university is supposed to be, advocating free inquiry by presenting “arguments that make students [intellectually] uncomfortable” ?


Can Jewish individuals stand with their non-Jewish friends “at peaceful assemblies” and, at the same time, support the policy of extermination conducted by the government of Israel in Gaza, or is that oxymoronic ?

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Single standards…

As soon as I heard a so-called progressive New York crowd psychopathically rejoice about “the resistance [who] came in electrified hang gliders and took [sic !] at least several dozen hipsters”, as soon as I read the cold, indifferent, statement a collective of Harvard student organizations had put out almost immediately after the October 7 massacre, in which not a single word of compassion was uttered, I used satire to express my profound disgust at the total lack of empathy in their word vomit.

From the very start of this utterly nihilistic international “Who Will Be The Most Inhumane Of All ?” award show, which, as if to prove the world has remained as prehistoric as when it actually was, as if to demonstrate that, despite millennia of atrocities, a few centuries of Enlightenment and a few decades of actual Humanism, primitive impulses still have the upper hand –, takes some malicious delight in exposing well-organized societies effortlessly taking the shape of gigantic lunatic asylums…

… provided the right conditions are met – “When you think it’s peace and safety | A sudden destruction | Collective security, for surety, yea-ah !”, sang the poet –, I have been spontaneously holding myself to a set of principles I am, to my great dismay, finding out day after day are even less self-evident than I thought, and only theoretically universal.

Paramount among them are Humanism across the board, empathy with all innocent victims, particularly children, rationality (severely put to the test by the truckloads of bad faith of those whose actions seem focused on aggravating the problem rather than looking for solutions (regarding the hostages, for instance), rejection of racism and essentialism (of any kind), and individual responsibility (which, of course, extends to the decision makers), without neglecting the historical context laying bare the structural inequality.

If, lately, I have been heavily – and almost exclusively – insisting on the monstrosity of the glorious architects of Gaza’s extermination, it’s entirely due to the fact that nothing will resuscitate the estimated 1,400 victims of 10/7, and (with the exception of clumsily fired – and almost always intercepted – rockets) nothing but Israel’s own recklessness, at this point, is threatening the lives of Israelis, whereas everything coming out of said architects’ twisted, murderous minds keeps threatening the lives of millions in Gaza (including the hostages’), not to mention those of peaceful indigenous West-Bank inhabitants.

Hamas may want to kill every last Israeli; they don’t have the means to. Israel, on the contrary, has the means to implement a “final solution” in Gaza, and louder and louder are the Israeli voices, including prominent ones, calling for or suggesting it.

Countering that death cult is what our oh so cherished “common values” should define as our main priority right now. Not the death cult itself, viciously marketed as self-defense !

The same principles, however, don’t allow me to ignore purported displays of antisemitism such as these :

If they are to be taken at face value, they are not only despicable as such; they’re particularly repugnant due to the setting, namely a center of supposed excellence and universalism reduced to a pitiful arena of monkey tribalism (“Eux !”). Once again, the IHRA’s definition of antisemitism proves to be utterly deficient : treating individual Jews as if they were, as such, responsible for the unspeakable atrocities perpetrated by the fascist government of Israel is indeed highly antisemitic…

Why do I say “if” ?

Because the video doesn’t show what happened before the altercation. Nor does it explain who that particular student is. Couldn’t he be part of some radical group of Jewish Harvard students calling for the annihilation of Gaza ? Or just some Netanyahu admirer ? If he were, would he still have been bullied ‘only because he’s a Jew‘ ? And who’s that guy filming the scene ? Why was he filming it ? As a second video seems to suggest, he wasn’t among the bullies…

A few days ago, a series of stars of David were tagged on various buildings in Paris. The local police opened an investigation into possible antisemitic acts. Are we allowed to ask whether the authors were part of some group hostile to zionism, or, on the contrary, of the far right close to Israel (Die polizei ist our ally ! Long live der Polizeistaat !) ?

For two decades, antisemitism has been used by Netanyahu-idolaters and unconditional zionists as a shield against anything and everything critical of Israeli racism and supremacism.

For two decades, they’ve been equating actual antisemitism with perfectly respectable opinions :

For two decades, without any fear of ridicule, that extremist scum has been intimidating perfectly respectable (Jewish) individuals :

Yet, today, the poor little things just can’t figure out why their beautiful shield of Supremacy is broken. Wouldn’t they love for it to be as shiny as, say, ten years ago…

And wouldn’t the A.D.L. love to be taken seriously still…

Maybe they can redeem themselves by cleaning up their own word vomit, and showing some genuine compassion to those, unarmed, their ‘second government’ is exterminating by the thousands !…

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The Dagestan precedent doesn’t serve the Gazans’ interest !

… as well as Assange-persecutor Braverman :

I watched “Question Time” six days ago, baroness, and I found your argument compelling, until I saw this…

And that, which crowds have indeed been chanting for the past three weeks in European capitals, is the reason why I’ve decided not to echo said argument : not only does this counterproductive adverbial phrase undermine any hypothetical quest for peace in the Middle East in that it puts its users on an ideological collision course with extremist zionists (who are basically saying the same thing); it also transforms legitimate support to Palestinians as they’re being murdered by the thousands and are enduring what may amount to an ethnic cleansing into a call for an ethnic cleansing in reverse, which, by any definition, is indeed antisemitic !

Foreign support to the suffering Palestinians should be ethically clean ! Corrupting it only serves the warmongers, while emboldening the zealots who, following a sinister example set by some debased “liberal” overseas, might be considering more drastic measures against the demonstrators…

As Israeli tanks are rolling ever further into Gaza, and even Channel 4 now seems to succumb to virtually embedded journalism…

… a brave Bradley Manningstein is what we need right now, not some transvestite Ahmadinejad on loudspeakers.

Wouldn’t you agree, Sue Ellen ?…

… on “power” !

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I does take some antisemitism…

for some silly W.A.S.P. to overrule prominent (scholarly) Jewish voices and appropriate the definition of antisemitism…

… doesn’t it, מטפלת McCarthy ?

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“Hello, freak bitches” : was it antisemitic ?…

Greenwald’s fraction of an exposé, in that it is drawing false comparisons (Comedy and irony always involve a second degree, and maybe even a third, a fourth, etc. Rogan’s statement didn’t.) and establishes false equivalencies (Rogan’s statement is not equal to Omar’s.), is vague and confuse. It completely misses the mark, and ought to be filed under ‘ideological defense of an ideological ally’ rather than ‘intellectual honesty’.

Seder’s is much more accurate, including on the Omar part (and, by the way, no less irritating to all those who seek to systematically conflate antisemitism and criticism of Israel). But there’s one element of the controversy it doesn’t tackle : Shylock…

Certain aspects of the so-called “working definition of antisemitism” may be hyperbolic and therefore subject to criticism, but stating that “[m]aking […] stereotypical allegations about Jews as such […]” is indeed indicative of said evil is not. The latter is called essentializing, in other words claiming or suggesting that every single member of a particular group can be identified by particular human traits or attitudes (“being into pizza”, for instance), regardless of individual proclivities, and that the latter therefore define the group as a whole, regardless of the amount of members of other groups who share said traits and attitudes.

The character Al Pacino plays in The Merchant of Venice, a 2004 movie set in Renaissance Italy, perfectly illustrates how Jews who were living in Catholic countries at the time were left with no other option than exerting activities involving money lending and protobanking, deemed too impure for the disciples of the Lord. To some degree, blaming Jews for having subsequently developed an affinity with said activities is like blaming Negros for having forcefully been brought to the nascent U.S.

To answer the title’s question and accordingly determine whether the $ 100M-man should or should not be rightfully pilloried, one has to determine whether, while he was speaking the controversial words, he had Shylock in mind.

My guess is he didn’t…

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