Articles tagués : Mileikowsky

Schooling thugs…

One thing to know is that the ICC cannot try in absentia.

But Karim’s antisemitic arrest warrants alone, which “align the ICC with [Iran] and its proxy”, will, if validated by the ICC judges, have two immediate implications :

Keine romantischen Ausflüge mehr in Berlin für Mileikowsky.

Und somit auch kein Premierministeramt mehr für ihn !

In his defense, however, we should point out that Benny “Total Victory” Mileikowsky initially “didn’t want to exterminate [the Palestinians]. He wanted to expel [the Palestinians]. [But] Ephraim Mirvis went to Mileikowsky and said : “If you expel them, they’ll all [go to Rwanda]”. “So, what should I do with them ?” [Mileikowsky asked]. He said : “[T]he most outstanding possible thing that a decent, responsible country can do for its citizens]””…

Catégories : Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Poster un commentaire

Is that the Politburo’s official position, Mr. Walker ?

Note that the journalist nonetheless struggles with the concept when applied to Israeli policy :

Yours, in this instance, sounds like a man of the cloth’s patronizing use of the word “unwise”, Mr. Walker : it lacks argument…

So, rather than merely standing on the shoulders of the respectable women and men I have hereby summoned to give credence to my dissent, as if by argument from authority, which would, in turn, expose me to similar criticism, let me unfold my argumentative equation : while the label “crimes against Humanity” in the Nuremberg judgment was never meant to eclipse the “crimes against the Jewish people” the sentenced nazi (so-called) dignitaries had committed – How could it have ? –, it had a more universal reach.

The nazis had cast the Jewish people aside. The virtue of the former label is that it reintegrated them within Humanity, as an integral part of it, nonetheless fully acknowledging the specific persecution which had been inflicted upon them. Legitimately, the latter label focused on that specificity.

Through its lens, comparing the current Israeli regime with the nazi regime seems incongruous to those who disregard the policy the Israeli regime has been carrying out not only regarding the Israeli cannon fodder on October 7, 2023, but also towards the Israeli hostages.

Through the lens of Humanity, however, such comparison is not incongruous at all, considering the available evidence.

Nothing in this comparison should be construed as a minimization of the suffering endured by the victims of the Shoah. Said comparison only highlights the fact than any set or group of people, any ethnos, can, in particular circumstances, descend into decadence and commit their own crimes against Humanity, Israelis as any other one. Indeed, it is impossible to dispute most – if not all – of the quotes pertaining to “incitement to commit genocide” in South Africa’s application before the I.C.J., as well as countless monstrosities aired on Israeli television, are of the same ilk as the nazi rhetoric of yesteryear.

Denying Israelis that decadent faculty would not only mean overlooking the mechanisms of (in)human behavior; it would also be racist…

And, while, of course, “comparaison n’est pas [toujours] raison”, and every fascist regime has its own specificities, a descent into decadence, propelled by their own crimes against Humanity and the fiery pride surrounding them, is exactly what the “Judeo-nazis” still desperately clinging to government in the land of the broken promise have been presiding over… Is it not, Mr. Walker ?!

May the holy Politburo grant me clemency for my reasoning…

Catégories : Philo de comptoir, Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , , | Poster un commentaire

The butcher of Gaza / serial Jew-killer’s ethnic cleansing of U.S. campuses…

When it’s factual, it’s no libel

Catégories : Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , , | Poster un commentaire

Every single thing Mileikowsky does endangers Israeli lives !

Ignoring countless warnings from both foreign intelligence agencies and whistleblowers within the Israeli militaryMILEIKOWSKY has allowed 10/7 to happen.

MILEIKOWSKY promoted the Israeli military officer who ordered the shelling of a house where thirteen Israelis were being detained by Hamas on 10/7, all of whom died as a result. Even if MILEIKOWSKY did not personally greenlight the slaughter, he has thereby signaled he approved of the way the situation had been handled, and considered it to be indicative of how similar situations should be handled in the future. By extension, this also applies to the Israeli army helicopters that shot Israeli abductees on 10/7.

From day 1 of his relentless and indiscriminate bombing campaign in the Gaza strip, MILEIKOWSKY has actually implemented that very policy on a larger scale, knowingly endangering Israeli captives, as one of the hostages released during the November 2023 truce has made clear : The “emphasis […] on damage and not on accuracy” has applied to the Israeli hostages as well.

Despite the latter’s testimony, and purposefully ignoring the lesson of said truce, namely that a ceasefire was the only way to secure the release of hostages, MILEIKOWSKY has continuously thwarted efforts to reach a new ceasefire (as recently confirmed by an Israeli negotiator !), all while stepping up his indiscriminate bombings, further imperiling the survival of the remaining Israeli hostages.

As a result of his mad dog lifting all restraints, Israeli soldiers on the ground have been virtually left without any rules of engagement. In practice, MILEIKOWSKY has created a situation of chaos, whose “shield [of] fire” proved lethal to – at the very least – three Israeli hostages.

By blocking “between 3,000 and 7,000 trucks currently waiting to be allowed into the Gaza strip”, MILEIKOWSKY has been setting the conditions for mass starvation in the Gaza strip, which is of course likely to affect the remaining Israeli hostages as well.

In complete violation of international law and knowing Iran would be bound to retaliate one way or another, MILEIKOWSKY, without the slightest regard for the Israeli lives that could be lost in the course of Iran’s retaliation, ordered the shelling of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, which was dictated by no military imperative whatsoever.

MILEIKOWSKY now vows to further escalate the situation with Iran, despite the latter’s explicit warning, and despite the potential consequences for ordinary Israelis.

MILEIKOWSKY‘s utter disregard for civilian lives (whether Israeli or Palestinian) and complete contempt for the rule of law (whether in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank or outside Israel and Palestine) before 10/7, during the 10/7 events, and after 10/7 were, are and will be an unparalleled threat to Israeli society, of which countless consequences have yet to unfold.

In short, MILEIKOWSKY has opened the gates of hell for Israeli society. They will never close again. But the longer he remains in office, the harder it will be to contain the demons he has unleashed !

Reading this, those who, against their own interest, keep supporting MILEIKOWSKY may laugh now. They won’t for long…

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