Articles tagués : Netanyahu

Obstruction of justice : The mummy strikes again !

Couldn’t have an indicted criminal against Humanity speak before congress, could ‘we‘ ? It would make ‘us‘ look like the accomplices ‘we‘ are…

Guest-starring as ‘The Bitch’ :



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“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able…

In the early hours of the morning, there’s already pretty good information that something is happening, to the point that the head of the Shin Beth and – I think –, shortly after, the chief of staff all arrive in their offices – at 2 or 3 in the morning […] and the decision is to come back in the morning and take a look at it again.

Chuck Freilich, Israeli Dept. of National Security advisor (2000 – 2005)

Both the director of the Shin Beth and the chief of staff neglected to inform the P.M. What a pity !

Resorting to an illegal directive which consists in killing one’s own citizens, and expanding said illegal directive to civilians was left to the appreciation of individual soldiers, both in the helicopters and the tanks, hours and hours later. Neither the soldiers, nor the top brass, needed a green light from the P.M., or any other political clown for that matter.

Between 8:29:59 (Smells like “Collateral Murder”) and 14:59:57 (Smells like Saddam Hussein, but without any uprising nothing we had ever seen before), the P.M. obviously lacked the time to issue a general order prohibiting Jew-on-Jew murder anyway…

to forgive the Arabs for [forcing us to kill their sons], but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill [our own].

December 16, 2023

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Final solution ?

Remember no less than 11 fascist ministers took part in the Let’s resettle Gaza‘ convention

If this is indeed the privileged scenario, will all those in the Gaza strip who choose not to depart “voluntarily” be considered to be “terrorists” ?

And will the thieves once again get away with more land theft, as a cherry on the cake called mass extermination ?

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Michigan wants the full transcript, Joseph…

(S/NF) The President : Hey there, old pal ! All good ?

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : Not really, I’ve been having a nasty diarrhea for a couple of days. What do you want this time, Joe ? I already told new W.Z.O. donors to get in touch with you…

(S/NF) The President : Yeah, that’s okay, although a few more would still be welcome… I also saw you more or less stuck to the new daily average death toll I recommended, and I wanted to salute that effort… You wouldn’t believe what Commander did yesterday…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : Tell me…

(S/NF) The President : Well, three secret service agents came to report something to me – something, I must say, has left me aghast. They brought me an F.B.I. note saying your son Yair – you know, the one who’s been staying in Florida to save his gay ass from the fighting – has been involved in cocaine smuggling operations.

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : The I.D.F. categorically denies that !

(S/NF) The President : No, but wait, that’s not it… Commander being Commander, he of course bit one of the agents. And guess what ?… He bit the only Jewish one of the bunch. I mean, the instinct of those animals…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : Is there a subliminal message there ?

(S/NF) The President : No, buddy, with me, what you hear is what you get. I generally save the subliminal for my press conferences. I just wanted to tell you a funny story. By the way, I read your statement about the glass, and hitting them. I thought that was a little over the top. Maybe you could do with just slapping them in the face : “If I catch you again…”, that kinda thing…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : But you’re gonna give me those additional bombs, right ? As they say, slaughter must go on…

(S/NF) The President : Well, ya know, I got Schumer up my ass, but, at my age, I can do with a little massage every now and then…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : Now’s not the time, Joe !

(S/NF) The President : But I thought your best friend was the other guy…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : That’s different, Joe, and you know it. That’s a Mossad asset, a tool. The Russians sure got some casino stuff on him, but I’ve got most of it; he’s my bitch. You’re not my bitch, Joe… My bitch, I smash her, and then I keep hitting and hitting…

(S/NF) The President : Well, thank ya for the clarification, ’cause I had the impression that…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : Don’t worry, old-timer, the bloodbath’s gonna be over by the end of the non-primaries.

(S/NF) The President : Lotta dead kids, though… And I can’t stop thinking about Naomi, you know… She too was crushed by a tank on Tienanmen square, in the middle of Burundi… Atrocious memories… I don’t wish it to my worst enemy… I can still see her lying there with the wheels of the helicopter getting closer and closer…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : It’s okay, Joe…

(S/NF) The President : But I was afraid the rebels would see me, so I hid in the bushes… Such a coward, I was…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : It’s okay…

(S/NF) The President : Anyhoo, you’re not gonna believe this, but I can’t remember why I called you…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : It’s always a pleasure hearing from you, Joe, and Commander…

(S/NF) The President : Okay then, bye, old pal…

(S/NF) Chancellor Netzi : Bye…

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When’s the last time an Israeli PM equated “absolute victory” with the death of zionism ?…

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Among the things I most despise are complacent interviews of war criminals. I’ll listen to Milosevic (in full) when he’ll be man enough to sit in front of Amanpour…

In the meantime, here’s to set (parts of) the record straight :

The Hamas charter calls for the murder of every Jew on Earth.

Here, they murdered 1,200 innocent people.

A/ They didn’t murder 1,200 people.

B/ 373 of the 1,139 people who were murdered were not “innocent”. They were agents of a barbaric and sadistic occupying power which, for instance, slaughtered 214 unarmed Palestinians behind a fence, among whom 46 children, and injured 36,143 others (1,200 critically), among whom nearly 8,800 children, during the Great Marches of Return, in 2018 and 2019.

As such, seeing as the United Nations’ General Assembly reaffirmed, in its resolution A/RES/45130 of December 14, 1990, “the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle”, those 343 were “legitima[te]” targets. So are the agents of the occupying power among the remaining hostages.

This logic applies to all forms of “colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation”. Therefore, it also applies to the Israeli one.

C/ Some of the “innocent people” are now known to have been purposefully murdered by the IOF.

Our battle is your battle, and our victory is your victory as well.

No, Milosevic, we (with the exception of your weapon suppliers and the other deluded Western sluts of state backing you) have nothing to do whatsoever with your racist exterminatory agenda !

Hamas has no demands beyond Palestine. Neither does Hezbollah. The Houthis will cease and desist as soon as the massacre stops. As for Iran, it is not seeking any major confrontation.

Only you are, Slobodan !

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For those distinguished “leaders” whose policies depend on Excel spreadsheets…

Those are the latest data available.

They reveal a total of 1,321 murdered Palestinians and 2,400 injured ones (and everyone knows what an injury in Gaza looks like these days, as well as how efficiently they can be treated…) from January 19 to January 26, 2024 alone, or a daily average of 189 murdered Palestinians and 343 injured ones.

Translated into a monthly projection, it represents 5,765 murdered Palestinians and 10,462 injured ones.

According to said projection, that is, as of now, how many additional dead bodies Biden, Sunak and Scholz will have on their nonexistent conscience each coming month, in the (perverted) name of Saint Holocaust and “regional $tability” !

But, seeing as their “German revisionist” “ally” intends to prolong his assault on Gaza until 2025 (at least !), a yearly projection would be more pertinent : in addition to the 26,083 Palestinians already murdered until January 26, 2024, not to mention the estimated thousands who are still under the rubble and remain, for now, unaccounted for, 69,174 more Palestinians would be slaughtered to honor Saint Holocaust, with the “Nie wieder” sluts’ benediction (subtotal : 95,257) !

This more or less coincides with an extrapolation based on the total number of victims who were accounted for until January 26, 2024.

As for the injured, the figure would be an additional 125,538, although there were already 64,487 by January 26, 2024 (subtotal : 190,025), which indicates the projection is rather conservative.

Those figures are not even taking into account the impact of the orchestrated famine, absence of medicine and hygiene conditions on a hunted population, particularly among the injured.

May their desecrated memory forever be associated with the contemporary “Vladimir Hitlers” (in accordance with the latter’s wish) !

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Mirror of a nation ?…

At long last, Israeli society has learned that the Israeli regime considers Israeli civilians to be expendable !

The Israeli rulers no longer need to pretend…

And that’s a huge leap forward in ensuring the security of the state !

Aliyah, anyone ?…

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Holy snow !

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Pres. Jekyll and Mr. ‘Holocaust’ ? (a must-read)…

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