Articles tagués : Sunak

Obstruction of justice : The mummy strikes again !

Couldn’t have an indicted criminal against Humanity speak before congress, could ‘we‘ ? It would make ‘us‘ look like the accomplices ‘we‘ are…

Guest-starring as ‘The Bitch’ :



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“Racicism” and extremimism : fireworks at will !

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« Je ne suis pas raciste, mais… »

Catégories : Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , , | Poster un commentaire

Extermination ? Raison d’État !

Regardez comme elles sont propres sur elles,



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« Mir zaynen do ! »


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‘Fuck you, nigga !’

I mean, what’s with that weak-ass syrupy bullshit for first-graders, my mane ? You been staying in Neverland a lil’ too often lately or what ?! Listen to that lil’ girl whining and shit… What you done did, huh ? You been touchin’ her private parts, haven’t you ?

The CIA stupid ! When they snatch a Stallone or a Schwarzenegger, and jail them motherfuckas on some maximum security navy ship to get ‘em to confess, they usually play some loud Headbangers Ball-type shit at night to break they will. They should be playin’ this instead. Shiiiit, that the kinda “cruel and unusual punishment” no one could endure for more than a minute or two !

Now, I know what you gonna say (Fuck you, nigga !), but think about Jesus now, brotha !

Would Jesus want you to erupt like that, and give in to the white supremacist class puttin’ your nerves and your resolution to the test with all that “psychic violence” ? Or would He want you to “preserve your sanity and dignity” ?…

Here’s what the Lord your Master would want you to do : listen to some good ol’ Barry White to make sweet love to, brotha…

… and hope them Javelin refugees hit them oil platforms first, amen !

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Come on, you (((racist))), climate-adversarial, rape-apologetic, mRNa-skeptical, homophobic, TERMish cisgoon…

You’re just a commoner, and you’re at 3.1… Face the facts !

What’s more, you know how banks are when it comes to ethics : standard-setting… Repatriate your laundered drug money from your undeclared offshore accounts, and then we’ll see… Such unethical activities are “distasteful and appear increasingly out of touch with wider society”. In the meantime, if you don’t stop complaining about your deluxe habits, you’ll soon be at 2.8, if you catch my drift…

And, from that point on, you know it’s only a downward spiral, don’t you ? They can even hold what you say in private against you…

Catégories : Politique / Société | Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , , , | Poster un commentaire

Preemptive freedom of speech, freedom to petition the government, freedom of assembly restrictions : Moscow knows no bounds…

You’d better get used to it, adversaries of illiberalism : public space is like a giant football stadium. And citizens who want to exert their fundamental rights are nothing more than potential hooligans to be contained preemptively based on a “balance of probabilities” and a likelihood. Such is the “rule of law” according to the neo-Hobbesian Russian government…


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