Articles tagués : Biden

Obstruction of justice : The mummy strikes again !

Couldn’t have an indicted criminal against Humanity speak before congress, could ‘we‘ ? It would make ‘us‘ look like the accomplices ‘we‘ are…

Guest-starring as ‘The Bitch’ :



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High five ! (?)

1/ “Israel has now offered – Israel has offered ! – a comprehensive new proposal.

What, if any, are the major differences between this new proposal” and the proposal Hamas approved and Israel firmly rejected in early May ?

To cut a short story shorter, why is Israel now proposing what it rejected only a few weeks ago, which the U.S. belatedly claimed had been tampered with by a senior Egyptian negotiator ?

2/ How are we to reconcile this surprise proposal with Israeli NatSec advisor Tzachi Hanegbi‘s announcement, two days ago, that the Israeli government “expect[s] another seven months of combat [this year]” alone ?

3/ “I’ve urged the leadership in Israel to stand behind this deal.

Why would the alleged authors of the proposal need to be urged to stand behind it ?

4/ “I’ll be straight with you : there are a number of details to negotiate to move from phase 1 to phase 2. Israel wants to make sure its interests are protected.

Since the devil is in them, are those “details” reasonable or are they meant to derail the entire process (whether before or after phase 1) and allow Israel not only to blame Hamas for yet another breakdown of negotiations, but also to resume the massacre in Gaza with a cheap good conscience with everything this would entail, including as to the fate of the remaining hostages and PoWs ?

5/ “During the six weeks of phase 1, Israel and Hamas would negotiate the necessary arrangements to get to phase 2.

The two political provisions of phase 3 are likely to require more than six weeks of negotiations. But how long can it take to negotiate the provisions of the first two phases before the implementation of phase 1 ?

If the Israeli government doesn’t put all its cards on the table beforehand – that is to say : if there is no clear commitment to a permanent ceasefire from both sides, or at least a list of the assurances required for there to be one, before phase 1 starts being implemented – how is Hamas not to smell a rat ?

6/ “[All the provisions relating to phase 1 would be implemented] immediately – immediately.

On April 10, Hamas indicated it was unable to identify and locate 40 hostages due to be freed as part of the deal proposed at the time. If this is still the case, would it jeopardize the new proposal as well ?

Is Hamas expected to go full “Treasure Hunt” in the middle of the ongoing hostilities – and expose both its remaining network and the hostages and PoWs’ locations in the process – or would the ceasefire first enter into effect, allowing them do so without exposing themselves ?

7/ “[During phase 1], Palestinian civilians would return to their homes and neighborhoods in all areas of Gaza, including in the north”.

Should the deal collapse after phase 1, what would this entail for those civilians ? Provided they be given the opportunity, would they be summoned to evacuate said areas for the umpteenth time ?


Don’t get me wrong : those questions (or, at least, some of them) should not be interpreted as expressing any kind of preoccupation with Hamas’s well-being.

They are not ideological, but political in nature, and they are meant to assess whether this proposal, which comes after countless others, is actually viable, or whether it’s merely the latest smokescreen (for domestic consumption).

Cruel‘ doesn’t begin to describe the massacre the Palestinians have been enduring for the past eight months. All the while, their hopes for it to finally end – fed, among other things, by such proposals – have been consistently dashed. And that, when the hope builder is also the one providing the barbaric weapons, is at least as cruel as the killing itself…

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Rest in rock, Steve !

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All hail the Münchners !

So, Switzerland won Eurokitsch. The neutral country. The one where the nazis stored the cash, the gold and some of the paintings they stole. Good for them !

Had the oh so apolitical national juries wanted to send a strong message to the world in the name of the European Disunion, they couldn’t have done it better : in the face of an ongoing ethnocide – a “plausible” one, always remember that ! Better yet : make a clear scholarly distinction between the rights plausibly being violated and the plausible reason why they are… plausibly. That’ll make the plausible violators‘ day ! –, the E.U. shall remain neutral ! As a dove sheltering in the “Reichstag”, waiting for the storm to pass…

What became of the letter Pedro and the late Leo – the usual misfits – sent to Ursula three fucking months ago, urging her and her Soviet bureaucracy to urgently review the continent’s economic partnership with the plausible “Judeo-nazis” ? Well, Ursula has been taking a long nap, that’s what became of it !

Overseas, on the other hand, someone seems to have finally woken up, although some sharp-tongued critics say they’re still half asleep…


Yet, now, in flagrant contradiction with Kyriat HaMemshala’s repeated statements, we’re back to this again ?…

That is to say : to square one ?…

Interested neutrality over here; overseas an 81-year-old tightrope walker who has criminally been leaning to the far-right side for so long one wonders how he still hasn’t met his fate…

Are historians going to have a field day when the dregs of humanity will finally have left the scene, and the “Jewish citizens of [AIPAC and like-minded trash, who are] more loyal to [Israeli fascism] […] than to the [democratic] interests of their own nations” therefore will suddenly become orphans, and see their nuisance capacity vanish over the years !

Interested neutrality and funambulism… Or is the latter merely a different kind of “Duck And Cover”… to avoid having to implement the “Hague Invasion Act” later on ?…

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Inspired by Charlottesville (“Palestinians will not replace Us”), JDL initiates pogrom against peaceful encampment…

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Yo, Saagar, either blow your nose… or quit the blow (before the show)…

If there is to be a meaningful international rule of law, then there must be an international separation of powers…

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At least 13 people killed, including 7 World Central Kitchen volunteers, after Israeli strike on Haifa; Biden up in arms…

Still not convinced ?

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He may be from Delaware, but when it comes to Palestinian rights, Robinette is a dixiecrat on steroids !

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You know what kind of president *I* want, Barry ?

I don’t give a damn about the dope Franklin’s trying to sell these days : “empathy”, his ass !

I don’t want a guy whose “moral clarity” isn’t at its sharpest when he’s in a position to bring a mass slaughter to an end.

And I don’t want an actor either.

I want a president who’s genuinely able to cry !

When he watches the images of Laila, for instance…

I want a president who’s able to shed tears of universal humanity when facing its abyss, and act accordingly.

No crocodile tears, no tears turning into crack-addict-crushing authoritarianism, no tears of abandonment either… Just some clean, spontaneous tears ! Tears that make a president reflect…

That way, I’ll know he’s not just some bitch who, after cashing in, said to the ogre : ‘Bring it on, nazi, grandpa’s ready for the Grand Finale !

Instead, what have we got ?

Are, you, Barry, as a veteran salesman, gonna try to deny the leaking dinosaur‘s option is the one the gaslighting crocodile has aligned himself with all along, even when he briefly feigned not to ?…

A human one. A humane one. A statesman ! That’s the kind of president I want, Barry ! Not some bitch…

A president who’s genuinely able to cry. For weeks on end, Hillary Clinton did a few years ago, some say…

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17 short paragraphs, 573 words, 3,456 characters…

Two PoTUS lies to Congress for the price of one !

1/ The 343 Israeli soldiers killed on October 7, 2023 were anything but innocent. They were guards of a “huge concentration camp”.

2/ For the umpteenth time : however tempting some might find it to take the twelve tribes and add two zeros, the final count of the October 7 victims lies at 1,139.

Butchering kids, women and unarmed men, executing civilians at point blank, murdering journalists and U.N. staffers, raiding hospitals… All that and so much more, on the other hand, requires genuine U.S. war tech-certified heroes !

Yeah, you “cowards”, release all hostages, so we can proceed unimpeded with the slaughter of civilians you use as human shields. That’s a “rational offer”, isn’t it ?!

Is that ‘from now on‘ ?

Oh, but no one disputes that… Even Reagan was a lot firmer with the ‘Great Ally. In fact, as unconditional zionism is undeniably becoming a thing for dinosaurs and congressional whores, this “strong[est] record with Israel” is all the more problematic.

And it’s hard to believe one is genuinely interested in bringing about a two-state solution when one doesn’t even have the guts to invite both Israeli and Palestinian victims to the U.S. Congress to listen to the SoTU address side by side…

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