Articles tagués : president

Resist the temptation…

Resist the temptation to say : so, in their view, to reassert “escalation dominance”, they had to do something

Resist the temptation because… it’s antisemitic ! Furthermore, you don’t want to be seen as a conspiracy theorist, do you ? What would Jen Psaki think of you ? The weather in East Azerbaijan was bad today. And the pilot of Iran’s Marine One couldn’t possibly have anticipated it. Period.

That and the 71-year-old suspect in Fico’s attempted murder pissed himself a few hours ago. Might count as a butterfly effect, right ?…

I mean… Really… Who could ever imagine Israel… ?

Plus : if the helicopter didn’t crash because of a mechanical failure, paranoid as you are, you’d tune in to Alex Jones talking about EMPs and similar crap. She-goats, I’m telling you ! Chimeras, if you will…

How the hell would Israel be able to use an EMP anyway ? As things stand, its soldiers are shooting at each other at close range, for God’s sake !

You see where this is going, don’t you ? You don’t want to go there ! Not even in your worst nightmares do you wanna see Graham on all fours with Bolton squirting all over him like a cum fountain and Abrams slurping every bit of it… in the fucking oval office, trust me !

Besides, just look at a map…

Ike‘s in the eastern Mediterranean, Stennis got all the way from Mississippi to the Persian Gulf. And there you have it ! you’d conclude. Are you out of your cotton-picking mind, boy ?! From either one of those spots to Iran’s close to northernmost province is one hell of a ride for a non-space-based electromagnetic beam. Iraq then ? Hell, northeastern Syria ? La-la land, man ! Why not through a satellite relay while you’re at it ? Or some lunar station ? Better yet : from the Gaza pier ?…

A pure coincidence is what this is. Focus on Munich, man ! Stop thinking about Armageddon all the time…

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